Дата: Четверг, 18.03.2021, 21:13:15 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 2457
0.7.1 Ugly GDEmu Games Manager (UGGM) - программное обеспечение под ос Windows для управления играми Sega Dreamcast на SD-карте для работы на эмуляторе привода GDEmu.
Copy your GDI/CDI games from your PC on your SD card. It will find what must the name of folder (02,03 ,04, etc.) and create it. If an empty folder already exists, it will use it. GDI in archives are supported. Shrink (optionnaly) the games while copying them on your SD card. The files on your PC won't be shrinked. Remove Games from your SD card. Show which games on your PC are not on your SD card. The list is sortable on columns with symbols (▲, ▼ and ▬). Generate a menu index for GDEmu (so it does not have to analyze the SD card at launch). Files with stranges track names will be renamed while transfered in SD so they can work with SD Card Maker and GDEmu. GDI file are rewritten while copied on the SD card to improve compatibility.