Дата: Понедельник, 07.10.2019, 11:58:44 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 2457
перейти PS3 Ghidra - коллекция скриптов/загрузчиков/плагинов для ghidra, используемая для помощи ps3-реинжиниринга.
find_stdu.java Here is stupid script made from one of already existing ones. You need to run it on unanalyzed file to get best result, or result at all until i learn java, and that api. Is just looking for hex pattern of stdu r1, and create function there. For now it scan only undefinied parts, that why need to run before analyze. Seems to not cause any issues, you can run autoanalyze right when it finish.
ps3.py nasty script put ps3.xml in main ghidra folder does imports and exports only works on elfs for now